'Game Of Thrones' Meets 'The Princess Bride' Mashup Is No Longer Inconceivable

In his write-up for the If Game of Thrones Had Aired in the 1990s video, Danger mentioned that we’re nearing a tipping point for unnecessary fondness for the Decade of Furby, saying, “Look, I’m a bigger fan of stupid 90s nostalgia than anyone, and even I see that. If you’ve got one of these in the hopper, you better get it out soon and it better be good — REAL GOOD — or else history will not judge your efforts kindly.”

Clearly, THE GODS was listening. A few days after “…and introducing Hodor,” someone made a mashup of scenes from GoT with Grandpa reading to the Grandson in The Princess Bride. And it’s perfect. Not only because the film came out in the 1980s (1987, specifically), but because of how well Kevin Arnold’s astonished sadness at the prince winning is akin to the way we felt during season one’s “Baelor.” Plus, “There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours” could be said by male to any female in Westeros. As for this:

I’m terrified.
