Lost And Found: 50 Of The Internet’s Greatest Missing Posters

Back in the month of October in the year of 2010, my esteemed Uproxxian colleague Chodin delivered us a nice collection of Animal-Related Public Postings. As the months passed and the seasons changed, more and more of these delightful public postings popped up throughout the world, and thankfully the Internet sprung to action and people made records of these adorable, funny and sometimes insane missing, lost, found and Lionel Richie-themed pieces of paper stapled to telephone posts and trees.

As I was perusing some of these collections on the Weberino – such wonderful places like The Huffington Post, Urlesque, Holy Taco, to name a few – I thought to myself, “Burnsy, you’ve been named the World’s Most Eligible Bachelor 27 years running” which is odd because I’m only 28*, and then I added, “But what would be cooler than the most extensive collection of these postings on the Internet?” And I thought of 761 things that are cooler, but all of them involved dynamite, naked ladies, Mount Rushmore, Four Loko, a chainsaw made of titanium and a black light poster of Kid and Play. So I went with this collection instead. You’ve probably seen a few of these, but some of them are probably new. Either way, enjoy. And feel free to tell me what I left out.

*I’m actually 604 and immortal.













