The Rupert Grint Song by Parry Gripp is a new internet high-water mark

Look, I realize I’m not the person to talk about Parry Gripp without slipping into hyperbole, because I think everything he does is great, Space Unicorn is my favorite song, and he was the only celebrity I ever cyber-stalked until he agreed to be on the Frotcast (outside of Rob Huebel). That said, I think any rational observer would have to agree that this latest video is pretty great. Parry wrote a song about Rupert Grint, aka Harry Potter’s Ron Weasley, and set the video to fan-submitted, Rupert Grint-themed artwork. Let’s be clear: You cannot go wrong with fan-submitted, Rupert Grint-themed artwork. I’m hooked as soon as I hear the phrase “Rupert Grint-themed artwork.” Yet the execution exceeded even my wildest expectations. If more people could channel their Harry Potter fandom into MSPaint drawings and power pop about ginger wizards, and less into competitive private school Quidditch, we might achieve peace in our times.

You can see some more artwork below, and meanwhile, I still contend that “Rupert Grint” is actually a better Harry Potter name than “Ron Weasley.”