Lady Gamers Put Out More…Errr…Have More Sex

For the longest time if any guy asked me where’s the one place he could go and almost certainly get laid my answer was just about any bar in New York City’s Murray Hill neighborhood on a Friday or a Saturday night. That place is just like college, only laced with more desperation and money.

But apparently I should also consider advising dudes go to any place where gamers gather, as a new study finds that female gamers are a particularly horny and promiscuous lot.

Reports the Daily Dot:

According to a Harris Interactive survey of 2,000 adults, 57 percent of women who play online games reported having sex, compared to 52 percent of women who do not play online games.

Not surprisingly, the people who reacted most favorably to this news were male gamers.

“Note to self, Its a XBOX Christmas for the Girlfriend,” commented Jason Gleason.

“Hello. Any of you ladies play farmville ? :-D,” tweeted @schmmuck.

When it came to female gamers, however, the response was more varied.

Women who play games might have more opportunities to connect with men than women who don’t game, according to Colette Bennett, a games journalist for Gamasutra.

“I know that when men find out I game, they tend to light up,” she told the Daily Dot. “I think more and more women are realizing being a gamer is like a secret weapon for their sex life.”

So maybe the lady who pepper sprayed those Black Friday shoppers in pursuit of an Xbox 360 just wanted to get laid?