Frodo May Be In The Hobbit?

Both TheOneRing and Deadline are reporting that Elijah Wood may be appearing in The Hobbit as Frodo, which seems strange but TheOneRing offers an explanation.  Assume everything from here on out is a spoiler:

As readers of “The Hobbit” know, the tale of “The Downfall of The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit or There and Back Again,” are contained in the fictional “Red Book of Westmarch.” In Peter Jackson’s LOTR films, the books are shown on screen and written in by Bilbo and Frodo and handed off to Sam Gamgee. (Not explained on film are Sam’s progeny later having the book and being Wardens of the Westmarch — hence the book’s title.)

The fictional book, and either the telling from it or the reading of it, will establish Frodo in the films experiencing Bilbo’s story. Viewers to learn the tale of ‘The Hobbit’ with a familiar Frodo getting the tale as well. [TORn]

They also say Frodo will be appearing in the opening scenes.  So Frodo is going to be like the Fred Savage character in The Princess Bride?  This still doesn’t quite explain the rumors that Cate Blanchett and Orlando Bloom will be returning to play two more characters who weren’t in The Hobbit book either.

Also, Deadline reports Warner Brothers will be picking up the entire $500 million plus cost of the film and will handle worldwide distribution, so MGM’s budget problems won’t sideline the production.  They still haven’t officially cast Ian McKellen as Gandalf or Andy Serkis as Gollum, but at least they can definitely afford to do so now.  To see a list of confirmed castmembers, you can read our list here, or simply bring a tenth of Smaug’s treasure to the nearest Arby’s restroom and I will appear to whisper them in your ear, possibly in Elvish.

After the jump, just because we can, is the short version of the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, where Gimli handles his business like a boss.

[Video via THD. Banner picture via OutGayedMyself, which is also what I strive to do daily.]