New Pics and Video From Spider-Man, Emma Stone Confirms Web Shooters

We’ve found new pictures and a video of a scene being filmed for the new Spider-Man movie, as well as a video of Emma Stone confirming our observation that the new Spider-Man suit appeared to have artificial web shooters.  In the comics, Peter Parker invented the web shooters and web fluid cartridges and didn’t develop the ability to shoot webs on his own until he donned a symbiote suit in Amazing Spider-Man #252.  He’s not wearing the belt that holds spare web cartridges in the picture above or (it seems) in the video and pictures after the jump.  In that scene a stuntman in the Spidey suit does a front flip into the bed of a moving truck.  He appears to be out of web fluid and pursuing a vehicle on foot.  It may be this scene which leads up to Spider-Man building a belt to hold extra web fluid.  I am an enormous nerd.

Emma Stone timidly confirmed that the web shooters were a device rather than part of Spider-Man’s body in a red carpet interview with MTV (also after the jump).  Here’s some friendly, neighborly advice for Emma Stone: if an interviewer from MTV asks you a question you’re not sure you should answer, just punch him square in the liver and say, “How do ya like them apples?”  No one will mind.  Not even MTV.  They let rich people shoot the on-air talent out of cannons for sport.  Just ask Jesse Camp.

[Video source: MTV via Blastr]

[Picture via GeekSyndicate]

[Video and pictures on this page via CBM, and there are a few more pics there.]