Deadpool Rides Again With A New Director

Sure, we could have used a picture of Tim Miller, Fox’s choice to direct Deadpool, but since when was a picture of a director more interesting than Deadpool riding a Pegasus through a rainbow hoop and also “Tacos” for some reason?  Since never.  The correct answer is “since never”.  We will also accept “tacos” as a valid answer.

According to two people who were briefed on the project but not authorized to talk about it publicly, visual-effects savant Tim Miller is set to come on and make his directorial debut with the movie. Fox could not immediately be reached for comment. [24Frames]

Producer Lauren Shuler Donner has already said it would have to be an R-rated total reboot of the property, which is awesome, but who is Tim Miller?  He’s never directed a feature film before, but he did visual effects on X-Men, X2, Gigli, and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (one of these things is not like the others) as well as directing several good video game trailers through his company, Blur Studio, “the Pixar of Video Games“.  Wait, Fox hired a guy best known for making things explode and directing good two-minute game trailers to direct a huge franchise as his first feature film?  Then if they ruin it through arbitrary, last-minute rewrites, they can blame it all on the new guy and tank his career?  Oh, Fox.  I wish I could quit you.  Did I say “quit”?  I meant “stop”.  I wish I could stop you.

[Banner picture via welovefine]