Don’t Expect A Pixar/Marvel Team Up

Back when Disney bought Marvel in 2009, everyone was trying to guess exactly how Disney would be exploiting the Marvel Universe. One of the most popular theories was a Marvel movie made by Disney-owned animation studio Pixar.

It’d be an amazing combination: everything Pixar does turns to gold (although we’re dubious about the upcoming Larry-The-Cable-Guy vehicle Cars 2) and Marvel films have been some of the biggest blockbusters of the last couple years. And it’s not like Pixar hates Marvel, as you’d have to be blind to miss the Fantastic Four references in Pixar’s The Incredibles. It makes perfect sense…but it’s not gonna happen.

IGN asked Pixar’s Chief Creative Officer John Lasseter about Pixar making a Marvel movie, and he said:

No, Pixar, we are — Disney has been great. Bob Iger is phenomenal. I’m Chief Creative Officer of Disney Animation as well, and with Pixar it’s like, “Keep doing what you’re doing, guys.” It’s a filmmaker-driven studio. All of the ideas come from the filmmakers themselves. Working with the filmmakers on ideas.

When they asked if there was any chance of a Pixar/Marvel collaboration, he said:

No, not at Pixar. We have The Incredibles, so we’ve done superheroes here ourselves and so we have that kind of history with Brad Bird doing The Incredibles.

So, Disney may still make an animated Marvel film somewhere down the line, but don’t expect Pixar to be involved. Which is a shame, because the title Finding Namor is just too good to waste.

[IGN via Screenrant]