Half Woman, Half Machine, All Disturbing: The Scupltures Of Fan Xiaoyan

In order to further my goal of keeping you awake all night in fear, I found some more nightmarish creations, this time from 27-year-old Chinese artist Fan Xiaoyan (Note: The nipples have been blurred out in these photos, but not on the original site). Of her work, Fan says it represents “the arrival of a new era, a new kind of human being, a new power, a new sen­sa­tion… a sur­re­al­is­tic vir­tual world in which men and women are equal.” That is a nice thought, but I prefer to interpret them as literal predictions of how humans could look in the future.
Fan Xiaoyan’s sculptures look like the offspring of a pretty cyborg and heavy duty construction equipment. The contrast between pink skin and shiny steel is startling, as is the nudity. Doesn’t she know she could cut herself on herself? Individually though, I see plenty of upgrades I wouldn’t mind having myself. Crossbow foot? That could come in handy! And as we’ve seen from the “Evil Dead” movies, a chainsaw hand is one prosthetic improvement you will never regret.
Continue to check out more of these amazing sculptures.

Sculptures by Fan Xiaoyan
Sculptures by Fan Xiaoyan
Sculptures by Fan Xiaoyan
Sculptures by Fan Xiaoyan