Shia LaBeouf Will Not Breakdance With Robots Anymore, Seriously

Sometimes it can take several days for the gravity of a situation to fully register, so was the case with Friday’s Shia LaBeouf announcement that Pink Floyd’s Transformers: Dark of the Moon would be his last film about shapeshifting robots. *grabs nearby paper sac and begins deep breathing* Look, sometimes a man just needs to focus on what’s really important in life, like growing out patchy facial hair.

After being cornered by MTV News at a recent event, Mr. LaBeouf dropped the heartbreak hammer with:

“I’m not coming back to do another one. I don’t think Mike [Michael Bay] will either. It still is a hot property, I think, especially coming out of the third one. So I imagine they’ll reboot it at some point with someone else.”

And how the hell would someone else taking on the project make Shia feel?

“I’ll enjoy it. I’ll go [see it] opening night, I’ll be there. But there is a disconnect. It’s mine, dude. It’s mine,” he joked.

And therein lies the cardinal difference between men and women: men just can’t ever seem to get over their own jealousy when it comes to Hasbro film commodities. Even after we leave behind an old flame, we still claim it as “ours”, dude. It’s ours. Catch the interview clip after the jump, along with a video of Shia LaBeouf’s finest moments on film.

[via blastr]