Hey, Remember That Time We Played Breakout On The Side Of A Building?

Like some kind of half baked vision that one of my old stoner roommates would have had, the fine folks over at We Come In Peace decided to get extra creative with a Kinect hack and rigged that sh-t to be usable with a game of Breakout. Oh yeah, before I forget, they also decided to project their idea across the side of a big ass building. Yes, that’s correct, we’re talking a version of Breakout that towers several stories high and is controlled by the players motion. Pretty cool, especially considering that the level maps actually incorporate features and borders from the physical architecture of the building, something I know that my former stoner roommate could have never programmed. Sorry Chad.

So throw on some hipster clothes, turn up the Ratatat and enjoy the video after the jump:

Brick @ PLAY IN # 2 from WECOMEINPEACE on Vimeo.

[via Geekosystem]