Tim and Eric Praise Genki With A “Saints Row: The Third” Campaign

Professor Genki is a character in Saints Row, so it’s only slightly insane that “Professor Genki’s Super Ethical Reality Climax”, his reality show in Saints Row: The Third, was recreated on Adult Swim’s “Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!” We’ve got the video below, and you know how I said “slightly insane” a little while ago? Scratch that; this is entirely insane. Although Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim have done a, um, great job recreating the Running Man and Japanese variety show vibe of Professor Genki’s game. There are plenty of kitten girls, tall cat parades, and Five Step Two Star Chicken to please even the most fickle and vengeful of half-cat, half-man, all-scientist demigods.

The full episode is below (Praise Genki), but we also have the two stand-alone promos they made for Saints Row: The Third if you want to skip the game show and just see the crazy ads. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to scratch up some discs with a fork.

[Hat tip and an Eiffel Tower lovingly crafted out of chicken and duct tape to Filmmakermagazine. Now get out of my condo.]