A Quick Update On Ocean Marketing, er, “Stratagy”

Yesterday, we told you about Paul Christoforo, a complete d-bag who learned the hard way that the Internet is not a nice place sometimes.

Within hours, the Internet lynch mob had driven him off of Twitter from his @OceanMarketting handle (yes, with two t’s). Then it found out that Christforo had used steroids, largely thanks to his own stupidity in impersonating an officer of another company over email, and replying to Kotaku using an email address with his own name in it. There’s already a video mocking him. And, needless to say, Avenger has fired him.

But the cherry on this schadenfreude sundae is really this email that Gabe at Penny Arcade got, and Gabe’s response:

Hey Mike,

I just wanted to apologize for the way our emails progressed I didn’t know how big your site was and I really didn’t believe you ran Pax , So for what’s its worth I am very sorry. Your post has obviously made my life very difficult and I have not slept yet dealing with all the spam and personal information intrusion as well as my family being smeared on the internet.

If you can please accept my apology and anything you can do to help if not me my son and wife please do. I have apologized to Dave and apologized to you what else can I do please tell me so I can make things good. I obviously care or I would not be emailing you.

Gabe’s response really does have to be read for itself, though.

We’re not fans of Christoforo getting all his business dragged across the Internet, but realistically, if he was competent, he would have had to realize that this would have happened. So we can’t feel too bad.

And for what it’s worth: let’s not blame the Avenger. A product’s marketing is not the product itself, and the Avenger is good for some disabled gamers. Let’s hurt the bully, not the innocent bystander.

[ all links via Kotaku ]