A Jiggly Scarlett Johansson Highlighted In The First Clip From The Avengers

Marvel has released the first clip from The Avengers, which opens May 4th. Marvel also released a new poster (at right) with Nick Fury using Agent Coulson as a human S.H.I.E.L.D — er, shield.

The clip features Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) getting a tip-off during a phone call from Agent Coulson then beating up some baddies while tied to a chair (which explains that trailer from last week). The clip has the good comedic timing and the action beatdowns mixed with comic beats we expect from a Joss Whedon project.

Sure, they could have released a clip of all the Avengers fighting those aliens or Tony Stark being snarky at Loki, but instead they showed Scarlett Johansson in a low-cut dress kicking guys while tied to a chair. . . . Well played, Avengers. Well played.

[Sources: CBM, ComingSoon, and ThePlaylist]