Check Out the Daredevil That Might Be

I guessed that Fox was going to let the rights to Daredevil go and apparently, my cynicism was correct: The rights have reverted to Marvel.

Nonetheless there were rumors that Joe Carnahan, director of Narc and The Grey wanted to make a gritty, ’70s style crime thriller. To that end, he put together a sizzle reel, less a collection of clips he shot and more a collection of period clips to express the mood and tone he wanted to evoke.

In other words it’s basically a ’70s crime movie supercut with some kung-fu movie clips and Daredevil panels.

But it’s still pretty interesting, and it seems unlikely Marvel would just ditch Matt Murdock. Check it out under the jump.

I’m torn here. Carnahan is capable of delivering solid work even under ridiculous circumstances. If you don’t believe me, look up the behind-the-scenes crap he had to deal with on The A-Team and he still delivered a watchable movie.

But he’s also a very over-the-top guy when he gets a real budget. Even his ideas are over the top. His last movie was about Liam Neeson punching wolves, for God’s sake.

What do you think? Would you want to see this movie? Or do you think it should be thrown to the Hand?

image courtesy Fox