Here’s A Trailer For The Parts Of Black Ops 2 You’ll Actually Spend Most Of Your Time Playing

We’ve already seen plenty of footage culled from the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 single player campaign, but now it’s time for the opening act to clear off the stage and make way for the main event — footage of the game’s multiplayer.

I’m wouldn’t call myself a CoD fanatic, so I won’t pretend to understand the significance of everything that’s going on in the Black Ops 2 multiplayer trailer, but there is a part where a guy nails another guy right in the f–king face with a tomahawk. Also, there are knives that shoot electricity. These seem like solid additions to a competitive killing game. Or maybe they’ll make the game horribly unbalanced? Don’t ask me — any FPS I play is automatically horribly unbalanced by my total lack of ability at shooters.

Hit the jump to check out the trailer and decide for yourself…

Black Ops 2’s multiplayer definitely looks a bit better. Seems like they’re trading in that traditional CoD indistinguishable swath of grey look for a little bit more color and variety.

via Kotaku