First Look At Viper And The Silver Samurai On The Set Of ‘The Wolverine’

We’re happy to report on another batch of clandestine set photos from James Mangold’s The Wolverine we can combine with the previous set. (Gotta catch ’em all.) Although these pictures are sadly lacking in the Hugh Jackman shirtless department, we do get a first look at several key aspects of the movie, opening July 26th, 2013. We’ve placed everything after the page break. Here there be spoilers.

First, here’s the gorgeous Svetlana Khodchenkova (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) in costume for her character of Viper.

[Viper] was originally a Captain America antagonist before becoming the presumed lover of Silver Samurai, Wolverine’s villain in the picture. Viper has no real powers but is best known for her athletic ability and skills in martial arts as a swordswoman and a markswoman. She first comes across Wolverine when thwarted by the clawed anti-hero in trying to poison gang boss daughter Mariko but, in later comics, she became more ambivalent, blackmailing Wolverine into marrying her, and developing real feelings for him. [The Playlist]

Next up, we catch a glimpse of villain Kenuichio Harada (AKA The Silver Samurai), who is being portrayed by Will Yun Lee (Total Recall).

The character is suited entirely in silver armour (hence the name) and has an ability to charge things with a tachyon field that slices through just about anything (except, of course, adamantium). [GeeksAreSexy]

Finally, here are a couple more photos from The Wolverine set, including a close-up of Wolverine’s claws as worn by Hugh Jackman’s stunt double during a tripwire stunt.

More pictures available at CBM.