The Adorable Wampug Returns As The Banthapug

So majestic.

Do you remember the adorable Wampug (a pug as a Wampa) from last year? Dr. Kristen Andrews, a “veterinarian by day and a Star Wars Geek by night”, makes a costume for her pug Chubbs every year. This year Chubbs is decked out in another adorable Star Wars themed costume, Banthapug. Check out the .gifs and video below of Chubbs in her Bantha costume, complete with a Tusken Raider to guide her through the Tatooine desert.

Careful. They’re easily frightened away. On the upside, they may return in larger numbers.

Single file only please.

This makes me so happy.

[Hat tip and an overheated elephant to Obvious Winner and Orangehouse.]