Arnold Schwarzenegger Will Be Back For ‘Terminator 5’

Just last week we learned the Terminator rights were back in capable hands (or at least in hands of people who finish films and have updated their websites since 2010). Two writers, Leata Kalogridis and Patrick Lussier, were hired to get the Terminator 5 script ready. They were the writers of Shutter Island and Drive Angry, which isn’t exactly reassuring, but worse things could happen. They could fail to bring back any of the original actors like loyal UPROXX reader Arnold Schwarzenegger, for example. That would suck.

Luckily, Arnold Schwarzenegger has reportedly confirmed he’s involved in the next Terminator.

Our man Patrick Dane is down at the London junket for The Last Stand and he reports back, in short, that Arnold Schwarzenegger will be appearing in the next Terminator movie. Arnold said so himself. The big man listed the film as being on his upcoming slate alongside Triplets and the next Conan picture. [Bleeding Cool]

No word on any other mainstays of the series who may return. Christian Bale recently played John Conner and– oh. Perhaps they could still bring back Edward Furlong as John Conn– oh. Well, the character was also played by Nick Stahl, and it’s not like they couldn’t find him– oh.

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