Brad Pitt Rides The Zombie Wave Again In ‘World War Z’ Super Bowl Spot

NANA-NANANANANA-NA-NA-NA, katamari damashii-

We were underwhelmed by the CGI zombie pile in the first footage from Brad Pitt’s World War Z adaptation. So much so that I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to use the photoshop above and call this movie Katamari Dazombie. Perhaps that bias makes me less able to enjoy the World War Z Super Bowl spot which Paramount has released a few days early.

The 30-second spot is similar to the footage previously released, although the plane scene seems new. Perhaps it was part of those extensive reshoots during which Brad Pitt and director Marc Forster were rumored to be communicating through intermediaries because they were no longer on speaking terms.

In fairness, Paramount are at a disadvantage, because the rewritten, reshot third act of the film only wrapped a couple of months back, so they may not have had that much footage to show. And the Superbowl audience are more likely to be casual movie fans who haven’t necessarily seen the trailer already. But at the same time, there’s nothing here that really explains what the movie’s about, or why anyone should go see it, beyond the presence of Brad Pitt. Still, Inception fart trombone! [The Playlist]

Yep. Fart trombone all the way. Or, to quote some dialogue exchanged in the trailer, “What is this?” . . . “We don’t know.

HD available at Apple. World War Z opens this June 21st.