Ninja Turtle Creator Thinks There Are Hundreds Of Actresses Better For April O’Neil Than Megan Fox

So, Michael Bay has announced that they’re “bringing Megan Fox back into the family” with the upcoming Bay-produced Ninja Turtles movie. Her role hasn’t been specified, but come on, there’s only one girl character in the world of TMNT — she pretty much has to be playing April O’Neil. Or Irma. Oh, please let her be playing Irma.
Well, anywho, Turtles co-creator Peter Laird isn’t exactly thrilled with the prospect of Megan Fox playing April…

“My only exposure to Megan Fox as an actress is through her role in two “Transformers” movies and the wretched (but happily forgettable) ‘Jennifer’s Body’. It may not be fair to judge her range of acting skills just from those three movies, but I think it is safe to say that there are probably hundreds of better choices for the role of April O’Neil. Of course, her name has promotional value, and maybe that’s what they want. Who knows? I can’t get myself too worked up about it.”

Hundreds of better choices huh? Let’s do some casting, shall we?

via JoBlo
According to reports Anna Kendrick, Elizabeth Olsen and Jane Levy were up for the role, so let’s see what they look like under April’s signature hair-mound.
Uh, yeah okay, Jane Levy pretty much nails it.
Here’s my personal choice, Carey Mulligan…
Here’s a more outside-the-box option…
Oh Nic — so happy in a new wig.
What about you folks? Which of the hundreds of “better than Megan Fox” choices would you go with? Compliments on my fantastic “celebrities with April O’Neil hair” Photoshops are also welcome.