E3 2013: All The GIFs You Could Ever Need

We took a challenge upon ourselves; to try and find the GIFs that sum up the biggest games at E3 in one animated image. So, from mutants getting shotgunned in the face to zombies getting chopped in half to a cyborg ninja glorying in a shower of panties, here are some of our favorite moments from E3.
<!–pagetitle:Mirror’s Edge 2–>
<!–pagetitle:Peggle 2–>

<!–pagetitle:The Order: 1886–>
<!–pagetitle:The Elder Scrolls Online–>
<!–pagetitle:Mario Kart 8–>
<!–pagetitle:Super Mario 3D World–>
We chose this one because honestly, it made us laugh the hardest. It’s courtesy Pedro Miranda Filho.
<!–pagetitle:Killer Instinct–>
The pricing model may make us weep, but damn if it doesn’t look pretty.
<!–pagetitle:Metal Gear Solid V–>
This was by far the most common GIF for this game. We can’t imagine why that would be the case.
<!–pagetitle:inFamous: Second Son–>
If you haven’t seen the official gameplay video for this, it might sell you on a PS4.
<!–pagetitle:Killzone: Shadow Fall–>
<!–pagetitle:Forza 5–>
<!–pagetitle:Sunset Overdrive–>
<!–pagetitle:Quantum Break–>
There is seemingly no good way to explain how this game works. But it sure looks pretty!
<!–pagetitle:Kingdom Hearts 3–>
<!–pagetitle:Batman: Arkham Origins–>
<!–pagetitle:Dead Rising 3–>

Because we can’t resist.
<!–pagetitle:Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z–>
There’s panties? In a Team Ninja game? But they’re so subtle and refined! Next you’ll tell us they put out a live-action trailer that uses the phrase “Death and honor go together like hot sauce and my balls!”
<!–pagetitle:Bayonetta 2–>
Say what you will, it is a pretty, pretty game.
<!–pagetitle:Smash Bros.–>
The Villager may have gotten all the love for being creepy, but this was our favorite.

<!–pagetitle:Watch Dogs–>
<!–pagetitle:The Division–>