Must Watch: Seth Rogen Testifies Before The Senate About Alzheimer’s Research

UPDATE: Seth Rogen Would Like You To Know All The Senators Left During His Testimony

If you’ll allow me to get personal for a second, it was about a year ago that I sat by my grandmother’s bedside as the final stage of Alzheimer’s Disease deteriorated her health to the point that her “do not resuscitate” order kicked in and she was, well, not resuscitated. The last thing she ever said to me was, “I’m scared.” The second to last thing she said to me was, “I know you, don’t I?”

F*ck Alzheimer’s.

It’s with that in mind that I post this C-Span video of Seth Rogen testifying earlier today at a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services hearing on Alzheimer’s Research. Rogen’s mother-in-law was diagnosed with the disease while still in her early 50s, prompting Rogen to start the Hilarity for Charity fundraiser which benefits the Alzheimer’s Association (Charity Navigator rating available here).

He opens his statement with humor, of course. “Yes, I’m aware this has nothing to do with the legalization of marijuana,” he says. Later on he jokes, speaking of a fundraiser, “The fact that we actually got college students to stop playing video games and volunteer their time is a huge accomplishment, especially considering both Xbox One and Playstation 4 came out this year. [points behind him] I’m sure these people know what I’m talking about.”

He continues, “I came here today for a few reasons. One, I’m a huge House of Cards fan. Just marathoned the whole thing. Had to be here. Two is to say people need more help.”

Yes, they do.

For a fun drinking game, read comments about this video and take a drink every time someone mentions he’s Canadian.

Via The High Definite