Monsters Of Grok: Band Logos For History’s Greatest Minds

You know how you’re always looking for new and creative ways to celebrate all things Stephen Hawking but screen printing his likeness on your t-shirts hasn’t done much for your social life? Well, you’re in luck! Amorphia Apparel has developed a new “Monsters of Grok” line that morphs the names of history’s greatest thinkers with popular band logos to create an end product that’s begging to be embraced by nerds and nerdy hipsters and high school chemistry teachers nationwide. I’m not sure how they aren’t infringing on loads of trademarks, but hey, not my problem!

Will I buy one? Doubtful. My jeans don’t take kindly to my shirts getting cute, but I’m happy to promote the creative merging of popular band logos with the names of people with impressive Wikipedia entries. My top five in no particular order are Hawking-Wu-Tang, Tesla/Edison-AC/DC, Bohr-Doors, Darwin-Danzig, and Franklin-Black Flag. All 21 logos after the jump. Name every band logo in the comments and you’ll be rewarded with the satisfaction of providing a key for everyone else.

Monsters of Grok via Pleated Jeans