Murderous Syrian Dictator A Huge Chris Brown Fan

As Dan told you earlier, thuggish Syrian leader Bashar Al-Assad had his email hacked this week. Among the revelations: he hates having jokes made about him on Twitter. Yeah, join the club, buddy.

But another detail that emerged from the email hack is far more hilarious: Assad’s musical preferences.

Would you be shocked to know that he’s a Chris Brown fan, in addition to being a fan of groups like LMFAO and Right Said Fred? Of course you wouldn’t.

Reports the Guardian:

Just before Christmas Assad underlined his leftfield tastes when he ordered Don’t Talk Just Kiss by Right Said Fred, a band that shot to fame with the hit I’m Too Sexy. Days earlier he highlighted his interest in UK pop music, this time with a slightly more credible choice, purchasing Bizarre Love Triangle by New Order. In the same month he ordered We Can’t Go Wrong by The Cover Girls, a New-York-based “urban girl group” of the 1980s and early 1990s. The song includes the line: “There was a time when things were better than the way they are today. But we forgot the vows we made and love got lost along the way.”

As the conflict in Syria intensified Assad continued to add to his eclectic playlist, ordering Hurt by Leona Lewis, Look at Me Now by Chris Brown featuring Lil Wayne and Busta Rhymes and – on New Year’s Eve – A Tribute to Cliff Richard by 21st Century Christmas.

In January he bought a number of songs by the popular US dance group LMFAO including their hit Sexy and I Know It. Assad’s iTunes emails also reveal a limited interest in books, gaming and films. In November he ordered one of the Harry Potter films, Deathly Hallows Part II, as well as several Harry Potter apps. The next month the Syrian president ordered Real Racing 2 and the biography of the Apple founder Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson.

Could Chris Brown and Bashar Al-Assad be the new Osama Bin Laden and Whitney Houston? I’ll just let that one float out there…

(Thanks for the tip, Chris!)