Young Girl In Coma Presumed Near Death Is Awakened By Adele's 'Rolling In The Deep'

A while back we told you about music re-energizing brains virtually shut down by Alzheimer’s disease. That was one of the first things I thought of when I read this story about a little girl on the verge of being pronounced brain dead who was basically brought back to life by Adele’s “Rolling In The Deep.”

Yes, the girl — sever year-old Charlotte Neve — suffered a brain hemorrhage back in April and has been in a coma ever since. After numerous procedures intended to revive her back to consciousness failed, doctors advised her family that she would likely never recover after Charlotte suffered a series of strokes recently, further compounding the damage to her brain. And then her family gathered in Charlotte’s hospital room to say goodbye.

Reports Gawker:

Ms. Neve had just climbed into Charlotte’s hospital bed for a final cuddle when the radio started playing Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep.” The two would often sing the song together, so Ms. Neve did just that.

“Charlotte started smiling and I couldn’t believe it,” she said. “It was the first time she had reacted to anything since the hemorrhage. The nurses were astounded and told me to keep singing, and she smiled again.”

Two days later, Charlotte was speaking; two months later, she was back in school.

A note to my loved ones in the event I fall into a coma in the future: break out some Al B. Sure, New Edition, Bobby Brown — maybe a little “Don’t Disturb This Groove” by The System — and I should be alright.

(HT: Gawker. Pic via Shutterstock)