Silversun Pickups To Mitt Romney: Stop Using Our Music Without Permission, Toolbox!

Every few months, like clockwork, a musician or band will emerge shocked and horrified to learn that a Republican is using one of their songs without permission as part of a campaign. It happens all the time. Now it’s Mitt Romney’s turnagain.

With that said, I have to give Mittens credit on this one — “Panic Switch” by Silversun Pickups is one hell of a song, as I’ve stated previously. Who knew that ole Willard was a secret cool rock bro?

Reports Rolling Stone:

Silversun Pickups has told Mitt Romney to stop using their song “Panic Switch” at campaign events, sending a cease-and-desist order to the Republican presidential hopeful. “We don’t like people going behind our backs, using our music without asking, and we don’t like the Romney campaign,” singer and guitarist Brian Aubert said in a statement. “We’re nice, approachable people. We won’t bite. Unless you’re Mitt Romney! We were very close to just letting this go because the irony was too good. While he is inadvertently playing a song that describes his whole campaign, we doubt that ‘Panic Switch’ really sends the message he intends.”

Poor Mitt Romney. On the bright side I’m sure Dave Mustaine would be happy to let him use a Megadeth song!