Walking Kerfuffle Chris Brown Just Can’t Help Himself, Gets Charged With Hit & Run By LAPD

When I was younger I had a friend who seemingly could not escape drama. Like, everywhere he went, some sort of drama followed. I swear, this guy couldn’t go to church on Sunday morning without some sort of incident getting stirred up. It was kind of fascinating to watch, that is until fatigue began to set in from all the times I was by proxy dragged into some dumb bullsh*t he managed to fall in to. At that point I had to bail. It was time to leave dude in the rearview mirror. That’s just the best place for some people. Learning that and accepting it was one of the more liberating moments of my life.

With that said, Chris Brown reminds me of that former friend of mine. Dude just can’t help himself. For instance, barely 24 hours after being accused of assaulting a woman in a nightclub, Chris Brown has managed to turn a minor, routine fender-bender in to a full-blown hit and run case, because that’s just what Chris Brown does — he’s like Pigpen from Charlie Brown, perpetually walking around engulfed by a dark cloud of dust and debris.

The Los Angeles City Attorney Tuesday charged Chris Brown with misdemeanor hit-and run.

The 24-year-old singer was also charged with driving without a valid license in connection with a minor accident near Toluca Lake on May 21.

Brown, who was driving a Range Rover, is accused of rear-ending a Mercedes, refusing to give the other driver his license, and providing her with fake insurance information before leaving the scene.

Naturally, Brown took to Twitter this afternoon to portray himself as the victim and play the “everybody is out to get me” card.

Here’s the photo from the scene of the accident Brown made his Twitter avatar today, because it exonerates him or something…

Rihanna is better at using social media to flame her tormenters, Chris. Just saying.