Listen To The Full Song From The New ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 4 Trailer Because It’s Outstanding

Declaring HBO the best network at making trailers is a bit like calling Nickelback the douchiest band from Canada named Nickelback — until the day TLC begins spending $30, instead of $20, on their promos, HBO doesn’t have much trailer-making competition. But even if all the networks started giving their programs blockbuster movie-esque treatment, HBO would still own, because HBO has a show with dragons. HBO ALWAYS plays the dragon card.

They also pick great music for their trailers (the best being season four of Six Feet Under) and in the new Game of Thrones trailer that was released last night, you can hear the stirring “Feral Love” by PJ Harvey’s spiritual sister who’s totally into goth, Chelsea Wolfe. More like Chelsea Direwolf, am I right?

Here’s the new trailer in case you missed it.

And here’s the full version of Chelsea Wolfe’s “Feral Love.”