A-List Time Travel: Your Favorite Celebrities Re-Imagined In Different Eras

Any time that it’s “news” that a famous celebrity got a makeover, I can’t help but think, “Why?” And it’s not so much a “Why do you care?” thought, as much as it is, “Why that look?” Take Nicole Kidman, for instance. She recently had a makeover to go from looking like this to this (just play along, OK?) and I just think it’s a wasted opportunity.
Celebrities love to compete with each other to remain at the forefront of fashion and style, so when they hit that point in their careers when they need elaborate and shocking makeovers, like when Larry King robbed an Ed Hardy store, I think they should just go balls-to-the-wall and really reinvent themselves.
Thankfully, the fine people at Worth 1000 agree with me, at least in an incredibly vague and artistic sense. If you’re unfamiliar with this pop culture art treasure chest, Worth 1000 is a contest site for the best of the Web’s designers. One of my favorite ongoing themes at Worth is “Modern Renaissance”, which features our favorite celebrities re-imagined in different eras. And while I was upset with the lack of Kardashasaurus, I grabbed some of my favorites from their recent efforts.

(Hat tip to UnrealityMag, and you can check out some more of the extensive Modern Renaissance galleries here and here, as well as the rest of Worth’s awesome collections.)