Dominick Cruz’s Injury Looks Awfully Familiar

What you’re looking at is the horrible, swollen, surgically-repaired hand of UFC bantamweight champ Dominick Cruz. He broke it beating Demetrious Johnson on October 1, and with a history of hand injuries he decided to rest and repair it, and take a bunch of pictures to post on Twitter. Because hey, if your hand gets all gross like that what’re you supposed to do, keep it to yourself?

I couldn’t quite put my Vienna sausage-sized monster finger on what the injury reminded me of, but as I was resizing the image, it hit me. It looks exactly like the poster for Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence.

I’ve included said poster after the jump and encourage you to compare the images for yourself, keeping in mind that the Human Centipede poster is a little unsafe for work, but not any more so than dude’s blood bubbling hand vagina.

Just tilt your head. Come to think of it, it also looks a little like Brock Lesnar’s chest.

[h/t to Maggie Hendricks at Cagewriter]