And 7 Innings Later, Everybody Died

In Ringu, the 1998 Japanese horror film by Hideo Nakata that inspired the stateside remake The Ring a few years later, Sadako Yamamura is an hermaphroditic, quasi-oceanic demigod who lives (dead) at the bottom of a well. If you watch the VHS tape she cursed (using projected thermography in an attempt to reproduce), you will receive a phone call saying you’ll die in a horrible and painful way. A week or so later, she climbs out of the well, crawls through your television screen and kills you with a fear-induced psychic heart attack.

Here she is throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game.

The recap, from Twitch:

The ghostly villain of Hideo Nakata’s Ringu, Sadako was the long haired face of the J-horror movement and she turned up in long gown and cleats with her hair draped over her face to throw out the first pitch in a game between the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters and the Chiba Lotte Marines at the Tokyo Dome in a PR stunt for the upcoming Sadako 3D. She’s an opinionated pitcher, too, shaking off a couple signs before letting one fly.

This is the best J-horror baseball moment since that time Jose Canseco let a ball bounce off his head for a homerun because he was too busy trying to get the little hypothermic kids from The Grudge out of his hair.

Sadly we could never get anything this cool in the U.S. Our umpires miss way more than One Call.

[h/t to Robopanda]