My New Favorite Thing: NBA Mascots That Should Never Dunk

If you’ve ever wanted to see a bear try to slam dunk while being attacked by a gang of sharks, now’s your chance.

Conan O’Brien put together a dunk contest of mascots that should never dunk, and it’s … almost majestic. The aforementioned bear takes on a giant thing of non-dairy creamer, the Olive Garden never-ending pasta bowl, a CD discount bin, and more. I won’t spoil it for you, but one of them actually connects on a dunk. It’s my new favorite thing, and I wish it’d gone on for 90 minutes.

Video is below.

Yeah, the NBA should do this. Just find all the NBA players who can’t reliably dunk and put them in a dunk contest. I wanna see Steve Nash try to go between his legs in the air. I also kinda want to see him try to do anything with sharks on his arms.

[via Team Coco]