Shockingly, Nobody Wants To Click Instagram Links On Twitter

Recently, Twitter and Instagram decided to get into a “No, mine’s bigger” shoving match that ended with Instagram taking its ball and running away from Twitter. Sadly, this hasn’t killed Instagram, but a marketing survey has yielded some… interesting results.

Essentially, the Simply Measured survey demonstrates that nobody on Twitter particularly cares about Instagram:

Simply Measured looked at Instagram adoption by the top 100 brands in the world, as determined by brand consultancy Interbrand, and found that, for the 59 top brands using Instagram, tweets containing Instagram photos averaged just 22 shares between November and January, a decline of 17 percent from the previous three-month period. The company also found that since mid-December, when support for Twitter Cards was dropped, Twitter engagement with Instagram photos has been trending at its lowest levels since August 2012.

Granted, the study is flawed to some degree: Engagement is measured by comments and likes, not actual hard numbers. But nonetheless, it’s pretty interesting, especially since the study demonstrated that Facebook and Instagram in general didn’t show a drop in engagement. It seems that when it comes to photos, if users have to leave Twitter, they’d rather just not do it at all, and vice versa.

We leave any conclusions this might lead you to about the quality of each network to the reader.