Banksy’s Storyboard for ‘Simpsons’ Opening Credits

As much as Internet know-it-alls like to talk about “The Simpsons'” long decline into irrelevance, the show has gotten back some of its long-lost edge this season, and no moment captures that better than the opening credits designed by graffiti artist Banksy. Back in October, the New York Times interviewed executive producer Al Jean, who explained how it went down:

I saw the film Banksy directed, “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” and I thought, oh, we should see if he would do a main title for the show, a couch gag. So I asked Bonnie Pietila, our casting director, if she could locate him, because she had previously located people like Thomas Pynchon. And she did it through the producers of that film. We didn’t have any agenda. We said, “We’d like to see if you would do a couch gag.” So he sent back boards for pretty much what you saw.

Now, for the first time, Banksy has published the storyboard. You can check it out on his website… OR!!! Or you can click through for a slide show of the panels (click on them for larger versions). Sorry, but Uproxx won’t pay me unless I give you an occasional dose of multi-pagers. C’mon, gimme the clicks. Daddy’s gotta eat.