Zooey Deschanel Maybe Coming to TV?

Indie darling Zooey Deschanel may join her sister Emily (“Bones”) as the star of a Fox show. Deschanel is presently in talks to star in a single-camera comedy pilot for the network. More from Deadline:

The Liz Meriwether project, originally titled Chicks and Dicks, is described as a young ensemble comedy about the sexual politics of men and women. It centers on Jessica, a role that Deschanel is eying, an optimistic but unlucky in love elementary school teacher who, after her most recent break-up, moves out of her apartment with her ex and moves in with 3 juvenile guys.

Of course, this is still WAY too early in the process to get excited about anything — after all, the Zooey-as-rock-groupie show never happened. Being rumored to star in a pilot shouldn’t even be news, but I’m helpless to resist a story about one of the Deschanels — like a moth to flames, or my eyes to Katy Perry’s boobs.

(Jeez, as if Zooey versus her sister Emily wasn’t a big enough debate, now we have to debate Zooey versus Katy Perry, too? Twee indie talent versus huge tits in an obnoxious package: WHO YA GOT?)