Smiling Wiener Dog > Charlie Sheen

Like everybody else in America, I’ve gotten past my brief fixation with Charlie Sheen’s insanity, and I no longer care about where he’s bombing on stage or what delusions he’s harboring about working for CBS again. That’s why I’m posting video of this smiling dachshund. Hahaha! Look at him, he’s really smiling! Get that dog a TV show!

Oh, and if you do happen to care about Sheen, he says that he’s in talks with CBS and that there’s an “85%” probability that he’ll be back to work on “Two and a Half Men” in August. Warner Bros. Studios, which produces “Two and a Half Men,” puts those odds closer to zero percent. But seriously, watch that dog smile. He’s gonna be a star!

Added bonus: he’s never assaulted a woman.