Tina Fey on ‘SNL’ with Stefon & Michael Bolton

Tina Fey hosted the Mother’s Day episode of “Saturday Night Live” this weekend (with an assist from fellow preggo Maya Rudolph), but she was overshadowed by an appearance from Bill Hader’s Stefon and Michael Bolton dressed as a pirate (see videos below). My only real complaint is that Fey didn’t join Seth Meyers for what turned out to be a strong Weekend Update, yet her Sarah Palin impression was shoehorned into an unnecessary sketch about the Republican presidential debate.

Overall, it was a perfectly fine episode of “SNL,” which means that there were a couple good laughs but also some sketches that allow people to say things like “People still watch SNL?” and “SNL hasn’t been funny since Will Ferrell left / John Belushi died / Joe Piscopo’s foray into movies.” I get it, you’re too cool to enjoy things. Life must be wonderful in your white-framed sunglasses and skinny jeans.

Weekend Update: Stefon


Yay Stefon! Maybe it’s because I know that the writers are trying to surprise Hader with the jokes, but I found him breaking character funnier than usual.

Digital Short: Jack Sparrow


Lonely Island’s song is pretty weak (even for them), but it’s moot because the whole point is Michael Bolton belting out his love of Pirates of the Caribbean movies in the chorus.

Weekend Update: The Devil


Two sketches focused on the death of Osama bin Laden — the cold open and the mermaid skit — but Jason Sudeikis’s Devil had probably the best angle on it. I like that he makes Satan such an affable and cheesy guy.

Mother’s Day Monologue


Any monologue that doesn’t drag on interminably is a small miracle, and I actually found this one mildly entertaining. Man, that is some faint-ass praise.

Pregnant in Heels


At first I was put off by Abby Elliott’s impression of Rosie Pope, but then I looked up video of the real Rosie Pope, and it’s actually pretty close. Bonus points to this sketch for noting the stupid music in the background of every Bravo reality show and the close-ups on dogs in the room. Also, “America’s Next Dumb Gay Guy” and “Loud Old Bitches” totally sound like TV pitches Danger Guerrero would make.