'Justified': Shaolin Shadowboxing

This week’s episode of “Justified” (titled “The Man Behind the Curtain”) was the first in a while that didn’t feature a main crime-of-the-week storyline. Instead, the show spent the hour setting up dominoes for what looks to be an intense conclusion to the third season. Bad guys are working with bad guys, good guys are working with bad guys, Tim is sassing Raylan, and the FBI is on everybody’s ass. It’s goin’ down, guys. Buckle in.

The highlights:

  • Raylan Givens: Bar Security
  • Apparently every bar in Kentucky carries Pappy Van Winkle. Related: I am moving to Kentucky.
  • Arlo’s off his meds and on the loose.
  • Tim’s back! He and Raylan are bickering like an old married couple this season, and I couldn’t love it more if I tried. I bet he and Winona could share some good Raylan stories over a bottle of white wine.
  • “I got mad ninja skills, buddy.”
  • The International Bank of Limehouse is better than your bank because your bank, I imagine, does not cure its own bacon.
  • So, uh… I guess we know what’s up with the dude in the bedroom. Quarles comin’ unglued, y’all.
  • Stephen Tobolowsky as a pissed off FBI agent.
  • Dirty cops and Harlan politics. (FYI: This will be the name of my debut country album.)

As always, GIFs by Chet Manley are on the next page, and feel free to discuss the show spoilers and all in the comments. “Justified” writer Jon Worley will be around a little later this afternoon to answer your questions and address your lunatic theories, so go nuts loading them up now and check back around 2ish to see what he has to say. I’m going to ask how I can get involved with the Detroit mob. It seems like kind of a flawed organization, and I am just the flawed man to run it. (NOTE: I refuse to move to Detroit. These are my terms.)

last GIF via