TV GIFs of the Week

In the spirit of last night’s Academy Awards:

Dean! Dean! Dean! Le talentueux Dean obdeanly a remporté un Oscar. C’est la seule chose qui importe en ce moment – bien, et Bret McKenzie, aussi, mais je suis encore pissé que les producteurs n’ont pas laissé Jason Segel effectuer “Homme ou Muppet,” l’Award-winning Académie “Homme ou Muppet.” Cette chanson a fait l’impossible: il fait Jim Parsons sympathique. Si ce n’est pas digne de récompense, je ne sais pas ce qui est. Quoi qu’il en soit, dans cette tranche de GIF de la semaine, nous avons quelques images de cérémonie des Oscars la nuit dernière, ainsi que des extraits de “Archer”, “Parks and Recreation”, “l’office”, “The Colbert Report”, et plus encore.

That’s how you say the following in Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey, aka French: Dean! Dean! Dean! The obdeanly talented Dean won an Oscar. That’s the only thing that matters right now — well, that and Uggie and Bret McKenzie, too. But I’m still pissed that producers didn’t let Jason Segel perform “Man or Muppet,” the Academy Award-winning “Man or Muppet.” That song did the impossible: it made Jim Parsons likable. If that’s not award-worthy, I don’t know what is. Anyway, in this installment of GIFs of the Week, we have a few images from last night’s Oscars, as well as selections from “Archer,” “Parks and Rec,” “The Colbert Report,” and more.

This man has an Oscar. (Via)

As does this man. The world is a better place now. (Via)


Sacha Baren Cohen pouring “ashes” on Ryan Seacreast will be funnier than anything from The Dictator. (Via)

I <3 you, Rooney. (Via)

Team Tunt. (Via)


Stevie! (Via)

My favorite “30 Rock” episode of the season. (Via)

A scene from the Peter King household. (Via)

Ann has CLEARLY never seen Juwanna Mann. (Via)

People on The Internet have OPINIONS on Cathy, and they are not kind. (Via)







I hate everything. (Via)

Worf’s always getting denied by the other members of the Enterprise — but dude’s a pimp. (Via)
