Sofia Vergara Is the Deserved Cover Girl for the Sex Issue

It’s a slow news day and I’m still frustrated at the “Walking Dead” finale, so let’s look at pictures of Sofia Vergara, yes? The “Modern Family” star/soon-to-be “SNL” host is on the cover of Esquire, an all-too-perfect choice for “The Sex Issue,” and in an interview with a journalist who considers “Modern” the best show on TV (?), Vergara discusses all things Latinas. Evidently, they’re loud, sexy, and fiercely territorial. Who knew?

I’ve heard that in Brazil there are places where there are seven women for every man. Is that why Latinas are fiercely territorial?

We don’t want to share. In the past, Latin men were known to keep mistresses. As long as the wife didn’t hear any gossip about it, or there wasn’t any less money for her that month, I guess she put up with it. But that was years ago. Things have changed. Women now work. Women feel like they don’t have to take that shit anymore. (Esquire)

Moral of the story: should you ever get with Sofia Vergara, don’t cheat on her. Here are three reasons why you’ll never get with Sofia Vergara.