The Roots and Jimmy Fallon Covered ‘Call Me Maybe’

Considering it’s basically the weekend, I wasn’t looking forward to writing about Morgan Freeman answering the question, “Did we invent, God?” in an interview about some Science Channel show. That sh*t’s way too heavy for me – did he invent HIMSELF? Luckily, Jimmy Fallon and the Roots noticed that an NFL team’s cheerleaders hadn’t covered “Call Me Maybe,” 2012’s George Michael Bluth-approved Song of the Summer, in at least 15 seconds, so they performed it with Carly Rae Jepsen. With a xylophone and triangle and melodica.

Not only am I pleasantly surprised to read that Jepsen’s 26 years old, I almost like this performance enough to look past her recently saying, “I want to do Justin [Bieber] proud.” Almost. I think what she meant to say was, “I want to drown Justin in a bathtub full of swaggy bro sweat.” She’s Canadian; it probably got lost in translation.