TIL: Huell, Saul’s Bodyguard In ‘Breaking Bad,’ Is Also A Pretty Funny Stand-Up Comedian

UPROXX reader and good friend, Stacey, stumbled upon an awesome find this week: Lavell Crawford, who most of you probably know best as the Saul Goodman’s bodyguard Huell in Breaking Bad, is a stand-up comedian. Turns out, he’s been a stand-up comedian for several years now, and even had his own TV movie, Can a Brother Get Some Love? last year. The fact that the video below has had three million views since 2006 suggests that a lot of you already know this, but for the ignorant among us, check this guy out. He is hilarious.

The guy is all over YouTube, if you want more stand-up material from the dude who lifted Walter White’s ricin off of Jesse during a pat down at Saul’s office. Maybe Vince Gilligan can work that airport bathroom bit into Breaking Bad.