Half-Naked Andy And Totally Uncool Ben Are Two Awesome Reasons Not To Cancel ‘Parks and Recreation’

I don’t typically like to run clips from upcoming episodes of a television show you’re already going to watch because I don’t want to take anything away from your enjoyment of that episode. However, you’ll excuse me for making an exception for tonight’s Parks and Recreation because 1) these clips are absolutely hilarious, and 2) nobody is watching Parks and Recreation and every little bit of promotion we can provide helps. Only three and a half million people watched Parks and Rec last week, which is inexcusable, really. Those are cancelation numbers. If they get much lower, NBC may not even wait until the end of the season to yank it.

I’m not going to say it’s going to happen, but we have to guard against this sort of thing. BE VIGILANT. If you’re not watching Parks and Rec, please watch these two clips and ask yourself, “WHY AREN’T I WATCHING PARKS AND REC?” If you are watching it, share this post on your Facebook wall, and then go to every one of your Facebook friends’ houses tonight and turn their television to Parks and Recreation. Use force, if necessary.

I don’t know what life without Ron Swanson would be like, and I don’t want to find out.

This one, via Vulture, features Andy trying to keep up with Chris Traeger. He fails. He removes his clothes.

This one, via TVLine, features Ben in his D.C. office trying way too hard to be cool for his new co-workers.

Please, Warming Glow readers. Don’t let them take Parks and Rec away from us.