DMX Sings ‘Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer’ Like It’s Never Been Sung Before

I don’t care who you are and how cold and dark your heart may be — if this doesn’t get you in the holiday spirit then you are DEAD INSIDE.

Without further adieu, here is rapper/Reading Rainbow enthusiast DMX — most recently seen being utterly flummoxed by Google — putting his own spin on “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” complete with a few of his “WHAT!”s and “COME ON!”s tossed in.

Additionally, since he’s wearing the same clothes as he was in the Google video that went viral a few weeks ago, one can safely presume that this video was made during the same stop at New York’s 105.1. So this makes two bits of viral greatness conceived by the same radio interview, proving once again that DMX is made of awesome. Enjoy…

And for any of you left feeling nostalgic by this, the annual Rudolph TV special airs tomorrow night on CBS. If you just can’t bear to wait that long, you can watch Rudolph the Red Nosed-Nosed Reindeer in its entirety below. BURL IVES 4-EVA!!!

(Via Complex)