UPROXX Live Q&A With Adam Reed, The Creator Of 'Archer'

Archer returns to our lives this week in the form of the Season 4 premiere, and to celebrate the occasion it is our great pleasure to welcome in the mastermind behind the show to discuss all things ISIS and hopefully find our obsession with his creation more charming than disturbing.

As everyone paying attention around these parts is aware, Adam serves as writer, director, and executive producer of the show. He’s also — of course — the voice of Ray Gillette. (So many hats. So classic him.) Adam was also a voice actor, writer, director, and producer for Sealab 2021 and Frisky Dingo, which he co-created with Archer executive producer and friend of the program, Matt Thompson.

The discussion is scheduled to begin at 2PM EST, and will go for about an hour. Here are a couple of tips to help this all run smoothly as possible: 1) Begin your questions to Adam with “@Adam” or “@Adam Reed” to keep things organized and allow him to find your questions easily, and 2) Feel free to load up on ahead of time, because you totally have something for this.