Methopoly, Bitches! The Bad Ass ‘Breaking Bad’ Version Of Monopoly

Uproxxer Eli Cash sent this along, and I couldn’t help myself. It’s Methopoly, the Classic Parker Brothers board game with a twist: The goal is to become Heisenberg, run your own Meth empire, and dissolve all your opponents in Hydrofluoric Acid. FUN. Joanne Silverman designed the board, and used the experiment as an excuse to learn Photoshop. It has all your favorite properties: Tuco’s Shack, Hector’s Nursing Home, Old Joe’s Junkyard, Vamoon’s Pest Control, Madrigal Electromotive and, of course, Los Pollos Hermanos. Best of all, like Lostopoloy, you can download the whole game for free, and it even has player cards so you can be Skylar or Walter or Gus. For a look at the entire game board, click here, and for instructions on how to print the game out, click here. Best of all: No spoilers. Meth not included.

Here’s a look at the board in its entirety.