UPROXX Live Q&A With ‘Veep’ And ‘Arrested Development’ Star Tony Hale

Even if you’re not watching HBO’s Veep — and at this point, there’s very little excuse not to be — you’re already very familiar with Tony Hale from his role as the hook-handed Buster Bluth on Arrested Development. Those of you who have somehow avoided Hale on Veep, where he plays the Vice President’s trusted assistant, or Arrested Development may still know him from a very popular VW commercial that aired in 1999 (which he brilliantly parodied in AD years later). Oh, and of course, he was also in Dawson’s Creek.

We are very happy to have Tony Hale with us today for a live discussion, where you can ask him questions not only about Veep, but about the upcoming fourth season of Arrested Development set to debut on Netflix on May 26th. Things are scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM ET and will go for about an hour. Please begin your questions with “@Tony” to keep things organized. We’ll be opening the thread up an hour ahead of time with the goal of getting to the questions in the order they are submitted. Click on “See All Responses” or Tony’s name in the right side module to easily access all his answers.

Click here to view all of Tony’s responses