A Visual Illustration Of 'Parks And Recreation' Star Retta's Greatest TV Tweets

The one good thing about Parks and Recreation airing its season finale tonight: it means @unfoRETTAble, a.k.a. Retta, has more time to watch TV and livetweet her reactions. Her must-follow account is one of Twitter’s best, whether she’s making fun of Marnie on Girls, telling Game of Thrones‘ Khal Drogo that #hecangetit, or yelling at that “piece of work” from Mad Men, Pete Campbell. Even her hilarious obversations about shows I don’t watch, like Revenge and Nashville, are incredibly entertaining, more so than an actual episode of Revenge or Nashville.

A few months ago, our With Leather brothers, whose phone calls we do our best to avoid, dubbed her NBC’s “best Olympic analyst.” That should now be expanded to “best TV analyst,” so in honor of the Parks finale, here’s a collection of Retta’s best commentary, some visualized by the fantastic Retta TV Tweets and others by myself.

Breaking Bad

Game of Thrones

True Blood

Mad Men


Downton Abbey



Sons of Anarchy

The Vampire Diaries


The Walking Dead


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Parks and Recreation

(Via Retta Tweets TV)