Watch Craig Ferguson See How Far He Can Go Without Being Pixelated By Network Censors

While the other late night hosts battle it out for better time slots and recognition from their peers, Craig Ferguson quietly toils away always within shouting distance of Fallon in the ratings. Ferguson is content, nevertheless, to stay where he is and do his job. While the other late-night hosts may be more popular, I guarantee you that Ferguson’s slightly smaller fan base is more passionate, a point that is made abundantly clear by Internet commenters anytime Ferguson’s name is not mentioned in conversations about other late-night hosts.

This is how sadly under-appreciated The Late Late Show host Craig Ferguson is: While websites like ours jump on the viral videos created by the likes of Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon and Saturday Night Live minutes after they are made available, the genius of Ferguson often goes ignored. Case in point: The cold open from last Friday had been sitting on YouTube mostly unwatched (295 views so far) until it finally began to work its way up Reddit on a slow news day.

That’s a shame, though it’s not that the cold open is wildly provoking or incredibly hilarious, and it certainly doesn’t involve Brad Pitt yodeling. But the conceit itself is clever personified, and the punchline is poetic in its misdirection.

Craig Ferguson just wants to do his job, and with less promotion and fewer celebrity resources, he still manages to do it as well or better than any of them.